sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Todos nus

Naked Crisis

He can see through clothing!
Nus somos todos mais pare­ci­dos uns com os outros. Nua, a nossa empro­ada e anti­pá­tica vizi­nha de casa pas­sa­ria a ter um ar bas­tante mais abor­dá­vel. Nu, o nosso ges­tor de conta até pare­ce­ria um ser humano. Creio que nus, os nos­sos polí­ti­cos, per­de­riam a capa­ci­dade de men­tir. Todos nus e tal­vez esta crise eco­nó­mica fosse mais fácil de suportar.
From “Naked People”
Clothing is our second skin. It dis­gui­ses, reve­als– it can reflect our inner­most being or con­ceal it. Through one’s clothing, he or she is able to exhi­bit his or her pro­fes­sion, social sta­tus, or mood. A suit lets us assume the bea­rer is a ban­ker, office wor­ker, insu­rance agent… In our soci­ety this is a dis­tin­guishing cha­rac­te­ris­tic of res­pec­ta­bi­lity. But, how often is such an assump­tion true? Can we abso­lu­tely trust this cove­ring? What really is under­ne­ath? Could the illu­sion be des­troyed at the dis­co­very of a tat­too, or leave the per­son as ins­cru­ta­ble as before?
Go see.

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