terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

Happy Birthday Gabee!!!!

Gabee & Chloe

Dearest Gabee: today is the day to celebrate you!!!! Your life is the greatest gift God graciously gave to me. You are the energy that moves our family, many of our friends and the world!!! The source of your energy is LOVE, true and generous LOVE, and it is what you are all about. May life treat you well and protect you against the adversity and cruelty always!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! your MOM regina

Queridíssima Gabee: Hoje é o dia de celebrar você!!! Sua vida é o maior presente que Deus, tão generosamente, me deu. Você é a energia que move nossa familia, muitos dos nossos amigos e o mundo!!! A fonte de sua energia é o AMOR, verdadeiro e generoso AMOR, e é do que você é feita. Que a vida lhe trate bem e lhe proteja contra a adversidade e a crueldade, sempre!!!! EU TE AMO!!!!
Sua mãe, regina

5 comentários:

  1. Thank You Mom!! Your Soulful Words Give me Alot Of Energy!! I am Blessed to have come from your womb 37 years ago, it's been a lot of FUN! We are energy, because we are God, and through God's Love the Truth we can do Create many Beautiful Things!! and when we are weak, the Love we have for eachother Lifts us back on our feet again! Thank you for Listening to me and supporting Me in MY Journey that we created together 37 years!! I LOVE YOU!

  2. Mas que família linda a sua, minha cara.
    Felicitações à aniversariante!
    Junho é um mês abençoado, hein?
    Que mundo lindo!!

  3. Dear mom, you are an amazing individual. no shit. But sometimes the amazing individuals need to be reminded how great they truly are. You have provided me with so much love and have taught me how to be the person i am today. Without your guidance i wouldin't understand the true meaning of love and the apprecition that i have for life today. Happy birthday, hope for more years to come. aheheheh

  4. Happy Birthday Gabee!!!
    So I met you only a couple months ago, and I am so glad i did! You really are one of the best parents/friends a person could ask for. You are just such a real and loving individual, and i could tell me and you were going to be great friends the second I talked to you on the phone when me and Chloe were at a Mumford and Sons concert. Once again Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for everything you do for Chloe, you really are amazing! By the way, eventhough you are *cough cough* 37.. You still have the energy and vitality of an 18 year old still experiencing life for the first time! Stay real girl, and keep loving everyone like you do!!

  5. Wow what wonderful words that fill my soul with absolute Beauty! Thank You everybody, My Birthday Lives ON!!Gabee
