segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

Solo Travelers

13 Things Only Solo Travelers Will Understand

Solo travel is the best way to break out of your shell and enjoy complete freedom. Solo travelers see the world in a different manner because they experience life from an angle not so many others get to see.

Many people love the idea of traveling the world, yet they never gather up the courage to just go. Because they don’t have friends who share their acute desire to go out and see the world, they exile travel to some other seemingly more appropriate time of their lives. Whenever the prospect of solo travel crosses their mind, however, they can’t help but imagine it as a lonely journey. In fact, they couldn’t be more wrong! Here are 13 awesome facts only solo travelers will understand.

1. They know that it’s never the perfect time to solo travel

The one epiphany that changed the course of my life is realizing that if I don’t go now, I probably never will. Circumstances will always be in the way, there will always be bills to be paid, there will never be enough money or enough planning done. There will always be just enough excuses stopping me from doing what I most desire in this life, which is a world trip.

2. They never blame others for unfortunate situations

I’ve messed up booking flight dates many times: sometimes going to the airport just to find out I am a week, if not a month, earlier than my actual flight! Other times, I’ve lost all my money after a robbery or a scam, but with no one to blame in such bad situations you have to take responsibility for your own mistakes. You learn from them and go on with your life — your awesome, unexpected life.

3. They are free as birds

You are the captain of the boat, you are your own guide, your own boss. Every decision you make is somewhere between dumb and genius. Either way it won’t matter, because it wont be judged. You are driving the car and all the paths are open. There are endless possibilities and countless chances to create leadership qualities in yourself. Isn’t that why you chose to be free in the first place?

4. They don’t ask for security, they ask for adventure

Your friends know you. When you’re in their company you’re supposed to behave in a certain way. However, as soon as you’re in a foreign land, you’re free from that box that you lived your whole life inside. You get out of your comfort zone, you try new things now, and you contemplate how magical your new life is because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

5. They appreciate moments more

When you’re in front of an exquisite scene — be it a mountain peak, a tropical beach, or even someone so cute you just had to meet them — knowing you will be miles away in sooner than a week means you have no choice but to live that moment fully.

6. They turn into awesome storytellers

The skill of storytelling is not given to everyone, but with the practice solo travelers get from narrating their tales over and over again, they learn that details are what makes all the difference. Therefore, their note apps are usually their best friend on the road. To the introverts out there, this will boost your confidence speaking in public, which will improve your social life big time!

7. They make the road fun

When you’ve already been traveling for a couple of months, you will start noticing that if you don’t entertain yourself, no one will. The road only gets lonely if you don’t make any effort bonding with locals or other travelers, and you’ll end up getting bored while missing out on a lot of fun times.

8. They feel weird about homesickness

Solo travelers usually never want to go back home and put an end to their long trip. But when they do get home, they want to leave right away, so they immediately start planning their next big trip.

9. They have a home in every corner of the world

The thought of being able to travel anytime and anywhere you desire and still have a free place to stay is what you call amazing! Couchsurfing the globe makes it sweeter, and building international friendships makes it fascinating.

10. They know how to dodge every scam out there

The hard-learned lessons turn out to be the best advice solo travelers can give to other people on the road or their friends back home. How to avoid the traps they fell for before and how to make the best out of such bad situations also make traveling easier and easier for them as time goes on.

11. They know that the destination does not matter

It’s all about the journey, the laughs, the memories, the food, the ups and downs, the spontaneous decision to derail from your plans: that’s what so addictive about solo travel.

12. They discover an entirely new meaning of time

“The whole point of long-term travel is having the time to movedeliberately through the world. Vagabonding is about not merely reallotting a portion of your life for travel but rediscovering the entire concept of time.” — Rolf Potts. A wise traveler is always flexible with dates, never setting limits to a trip and missing out on potential adventures. A wise solo traveler will always recommend that you slow down.

13. They constantly find themselves in situations like these

Me when I just got into my hotel room two minutes ago and can’t find my iPhone

Trying to catch a flight after your alarm didn’t wake you up in time

How my mom wants me to feel

When I have to catch an early flight

Packing when I’m hungover

When you don’t know the proper greeting in a different country so you try everything
One last note

Travel may take several forms and each person has their favorite. Whether solo, duo, or in a group; by planes, by car, by trains, by bike, or on foot; either backpacking, doing extreme sports, or luxurious sightseeing; or whether it be for a weekend city escape, a month-long vacation, or a year around the world. Whatever it is, it will do you wonders. Little by little, as this addiction to travel grows, you will grow with it to become the person you always dreamed you’d be.

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